Warning: major site neglect detected

Someone take my site away from me. Give it the home it truly deserves, with an owner who can love it and spend time with it.

That's not to say I don't love this website. I spent a good deal of time tarting it up and making it look nice, it's just spending time with it that I struggle with.

It doesn't help that I run another website: Go Marching In. That site gets all of my attention on a weekly basis because it is viewed by a far greater number of people. Plus it helps when there are games every week as there is always something that needs writing (venting) about.

I plucked up the courage to look at my Google Analytics for this site and even though I expected the stats to be pretty shit I was surprised to see 123 sessions in the past 30 days. That's higher than I thought it would be, but then I saw the 98% bounce rate and an average time spent on the site of 1 second.

There's my answer then: they're all fucking bots!

Just one human visit would be better than 123 bots skewing my stats.

Which makes my first website task of 2015 (second if you count writing this post) to find a way to filter out the bots from my analytics and if possible, stop them from even reaching my site in the first place.

I'll report my findings and then I'll have already done two things to my site this year...

Know I must do better.


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